The behavioral style scan
Insight into your own behavior or that of your team
The personal scan
A behavioral style is not right or wrong. Depending on the situation, each style has its advantages and disadvantages. Everyone has multiple ‘behavioral colors’ that in turn fall into combinations of certain psychological types. With the various behavioral style scans you can measure your ‘behavioral colors’ and gain insight into your own personal character traits.
The team scan
A group also has a behavioral style. This way, the group can finally change if people are added or removed from it. The team scan has been developed for this purpose. With the team scan their behavioral style is measured for the individual persons in the group. A result is then calculated for the entire group. This gives you insight into the ‘behavioral colors’ of the group.
The objective
A behavioral style scan helps you gain insight into your personal character traits, or the characteristics of your team. With the help of this measurement, adjustments can then be applied to make your own behavior, or the behavior of your team, more effective and efficient. Because people who understand each other better will also be able to work better together.

De scans

LE Behavior gives you insight into your behavior depending on your environment. The behavioral style scan is based on the theory of Jung and Meyers, which contains a clear typology of the way someone behaves. The colors are: dominant red, influential yellow, disciplined blue and harmonious green. What color are you? Click on the logo above to go directly to the scan or on the button below for more information.

LE-Conflict gives you insight into how to deal with conflicts. The conflict style scan is based on the conflict dynamics model (Mark H. Davis) in the approach to conflict. The colors are: bound purple, fighting orange, avoiding green or rejecting gray. What color are you? Click on the logo above to go directly to the scan or on the button below for more information.

LE-Concept gives you insight into your conscious and unconscious effectiveness, efficiency, flexibility and creativity of your learning concept. The learning concept scan is based on ... The colors are: effective gold, efficient light blue, flexible red or creative silver. What color are you? Click on the logo above to go directly to the scan.

LE-Leadership gives you insight into your situational leadership and how your unconscious leadership characteristics adapt to your work environment. The leadership style scan is based on ... The colors are: coaching ORANGE, leading red, delegating dark green or supporting ocher yellow. What color are you? Click on the logo above to go directly to the scan.

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Easy to combine
The behavioral style scans can be used as an individual product, but can also be used in combination with the other products of LE-Network.
Like the LEARN Games, these are game simulations in which you learn from your own experiences.
You can find more information about these LEARN Games on our assortment page .
The methodology
Henk Roelofs is the brain behind the behavioral style scans. He has developed this to measure the effectiveness of the edupreneurial method.
The edupreneurial method is based on action learning: Learning by doing!
More information about the underlying science can be found on the Edupreneurial Website.
The LEARN Games and the behavioral style scans are offered by LE-Network.
We are an enthusiastic network of partnerships led by Henk Roelofs. Improving learning processes is central to us.
More information about LE-Network can be found on our company website.

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Mobile: (Henk) +31 (0)6-50514062 | (Jan) +31 (0)6-13885311
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mailto: info@le-network.nl
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